A traction motor is typically used to power the driving wheels of a railroad locomotive, a tram or an electric train like a subway or light rail vehicle. 牵引电动机通常用于为火车机头、有轨电车或者电车的制动车轮提供动力,比如地铁或者轻轨交通工具。
Railroad overbridge Constructional technology of laying a new rail link between cross-CWR 铁路跨线桥(铁路线在上)新建铁路干线一次铺设跨区间无缝线路技术
B: No, but the new car is the apple of his eye. a railroad employer who is in charge of a rail yard. 乙:是的,但那辆新车是他的掌上明珠。掌管一个车段的铁路雇员。
A tunnel through which the railroad track runs. Cattle are hauled by rail. 一种铁路穿过的隧道。牲畜是通过铁路运输的。
Solution: Make it mobile. Here's a patent for a railroad missile garrison system that launches ICBMs from rail cars of a train. 解决方案:让它动起来!这个铁路导弹系统能从火车上发射洲际弹道导弹!
A railroad employer who is in charge of a rail yard. attendant ( in a sleeping-car or parlour-car on a train) 掌管一个车段的铁路雇员。(铁路之卧车或特等客车上的)服务员。
The Refloating of Vessel Q and Its Revelation New Type Off-Rail Prevention, Wear-Resistant and Wheel Protection Railroad Rail Facility Q轮的脱浅与启示铁路防脱减磨新型护轮轨装置
The Technology of high-speed railroad, as a representative, reflects the tendency of modern productive technology of steel rail is developing to the direction of pure smelting, precise rolling and precise mending. 以高速铁路钢轨的技术要求为代表,现代钢轨生产技术正在向精炼、精轧、精整的方向发展。
Performing dynamic mapping of defects in the railroad rail using beam spreading 利用波束伸展实现路轨缺陷动态映象
If there is no transition zone at junction location between railroad and bridge, when train runs from the rail of high rigidity to the rail of low rigidity, the dynamic response becomes small suddenly with sudden change. 当路桥连接处没有设置轨道过渡段时,列车从高刚度轨道到低刚度轨道运行时,其动力响应突然减小,有突变。
A new-style device for antifriction to diesel gas-in valve New Type Off-Rail Prevention, Wear-Resistant and Wheel Protection Railroad Rail Facility 一种全新形式的柴油机进气伐减磨装置铁路防脱减磨新型护轮轨装置
The work of loading and firming for railroad Freight, over the years, consolidating a job being always with high degree technology and security of rail produce works, is also the focal point of the work of the railroad all of the various levels freight branch. 铁路货物装载加固工作一直是铁路运输生产中技术难度高、安全性强的一项工作,也是铁路各级货运部门历年来的工作重点。